- Arts (6)
- Letters & Letter Sounds
- Math (1)
- Music & Dance (1)
- Playing (2)
- Reading (1)
- Talking & Listening (22)
- Writing (2)
- Arts (6)
- Letters & Letter Sounds
- Math (1)
- Music & Dance (1)
- Playing (2)
- Reading (1)
- Talking & Listening (22)
- Writing (2)
- Arts (6)
- Letters & Letter Sounds
- Math (1)
- Music & Dance (1)
- Playing (2)
- Reading (1)
- Talking & Listening (22)
- Writing (2)
- Arts (6)
- Letters & Letter Sounds
- Math (1)
- Music & Dance (1)
- Playing (2)
- Reading (1)
- Talking & Listening (22)
- Writing (2)
Found 49 results. Showing 3 of 3 pages.
Word Play: Alliteration (/d/)
Children listen to and repeat an alliterative sentence with words that begin with the letter sound /d/.
Word Play: Alliteration (/h/)
Children recognize and repeat an alliterative with words beginning with the letter sound /h/.
Word Play: Alliteration (/u/)
Ask children to listen for the beginning sound /u/ of each word in a sentence.
Word Play: Guess the Animal
Play a guessing game with children to help them review the letter sound /h/. Give children clues to help them guess the name of the animal.
Word Play: Make a Word
Have children match letters to the target word cards and help them to read the words.
Word Play: Tell Me What You Hear (/u/)
Use the “Tell Me What You Hear” routine to help children listen for the short beginning /u/ sound in familiar words.
Word Play: Who Knows My Word?
Play a listening game to review the letter sound /u/.
Word Play: Word Engine
Review the word engine and have children make their own “word engine” out of an egg carton. Match the letters in engine to corresponding bumps on the egg carton.
“Zz” Search
Provide children with a copy of a spread from the book Roller Coaster and help them find the letter “Z” hidden in the pictures.