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Found 26 results. Showing 1 of 2 pages.

Greeting Song: “If Your Name . . .” #1

Sing the greeting song with children and clap word parts in each child’s name.

Greeting Song: “If Your Name . . .” #2

Sing the greeting song as you clap out the syllables in each child's name. 

Greeting Song: “Show Us Something You Can Do” #6

Have each child name something they can do and sing the greeting song as the child acts out the motion.

Greeting Song: “Show Us Something You Can Do” #7

Sing the greeting song to a child as you hold up his or her name card and encourage the child to read it aloud. 

Greeting Song: “Show Us Something You Can Do” #8

Sing the greeting song and ask each child to move when you sing the line “Show us something you can do.”

Greeting Song: “The More We Get Together” #1

Have children sit in a circle and sing the greeting song. Talk about the opposite words “together” and “alone.”

Greeting Song: “The More We Get Together” #2

Sing the greeting song and hold up a name card. Have children recognize their name in print and call out their name.  

Greeting Song: “The More We Get Together” #3

Have children sit in a circle with their name cards placed in the middle of the circle faced down. Turn over the name cards to include them in the song.

Greeting Song: “Who’s on the Hill?” #1

Children pretend they are on a hill and "searching" for other children with make-believe binoculars as you sing the greeting song. 

Greeting Song: “Who’s on the Hill?” #2

Have children recognize their name as others chant the name and cheer “Hooray!” for each child.

Greeting Song: “Who’s on the Hill?” #3

Clap out the parts of children’s names as you recite the chant. Repeat until each child’s name has been recited.

Greeting Song: “Will You Meet a Friend of Mine?” #1

Sing the greeting song and signal to one child and have the whole class greet him or her. 

Greeting Song: “Will You Meet a Friend of Mine?” #2

Hold up a name card in the last line of the greeting song "Will You Be A Friend Of Mine" and have everyone greet that child. 

Greeting Song: “Will You Meet a Friend of Mine?” #3

Sing the greeting song. Clap once for each word in the last sentence. Repeat until each child’s name is included.

Greeting Song: “Will You Meet a Friend of Mine?” #4

Sing the greeting song as children act out the motions of going up and down the ramp. 

Greeting Song: “Will You Meet a Friend of Mine?” #5

Have children discuss and choose how they would like to sing the greeting song.

Greeting Song: “Yes, I Can!” #1

Turn to one child at at time and ask, What can you do? Then have the group sing about that action.

Greeting Song: “Yes, I Can!” #2

Hold up a name card and sing a verse of that child’s action. Repeat for each child.

Recite Together: “One Ramp, Two Ramps”

Review what children have learned about ramps. Recite “One Ramp, Two Ramps” with the up and down movements.

Sing Together: “Climb On!”

Discuss the children’s experiences on sleds. Sing the song about a sled.

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