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Found 8 results.

Draw and Write Together: Night Music

Reread the poem “Night Music,” and together then compose a new group poem based on city sounds.

Read Together: Educator’s Choice, Unit 9, Week 3

Read aloud a nonfiction or fiction book about floating and sinking.

Read Together: Houses and Homes

Read Houses and Homes by Ann Morris. Focus on the materials used to build houses and how the materials vary because of where people live in the world.

Read Together: Max Found Two Sticks #2

Reread Max Found Two Sticks by Jerry Pinkney, and have children tap out some of the rhythms Max makes on their thighs.

Read Together: Who Sank the Boat? #2

Reread the book. Focus children on how the animals balance the boat.

Recite Together: “A Kite” #2

Recite a poem about kites and change the color of the kite in each reading.

Recite Together: “Up, Up, Up”

Read a poem to reinforce ideas about repeating words and the alphabet.

Word Play: Segment Sentences #1

Draw lines between words in a sentence to show that a sentence is made up of different words.

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