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Draw and Write Together: We Love Jazz!

Reread a few pages of Jazz Baby that feature sound and action words.  Have children choose one of the words and draw a picture.

Greeting Song: “Show Us Something You Can Do” #1

Sing a chant to help children recognize their name in print and build their concept of self.  Make sure each child gets a chance to participate.

Greeting Song: “Show Us Something You Can Do” #2

Hold up children’s name cards one at a time during the chant. Invite children to show the class what they can do with their voices.

Greeting Song: “Show Us Something You Can Do” #3

Ask each child to move a specific part of his or her body when you sing the line “Show us something you can do.”

Greeting Song: “Show Us Something You Can Do” #4

As you sing, ask each child to show you something they can play with the instruments. Have children cheer for each other after they play.

Greeting Song: “Show Us Something You Can Do” #5

As you sing, ask each child to show something they can do when they dance to music.

Greeting Song: “The Name Game” #1

Teach children a silly name chant. Chant a verse using your own name. Then have children join you as you recite a verse for each child.

Greeting Song: “The Name Game” #2

With children, recite the verse of “The Name Game” for each child. Have children repeat the verse after you.

Greeting Song: “The Name Game” #3

Have children use their tubes to recite the verse. Each time call out a direction to change the volume, pitch, or timbre of their voice.

Greeting Song: “The Name Game” #4

Have children use their tubes to sing the verse. Each time call out a direction such as a high or low pitch.

Greeting Song: “The Name Game” #5

Have children use their tubes to sing the verse. Have each child call out “loud” or “soft” to direct the group how to sing.

Greeting Song: “Try, Try, Try To Sing” #1

Have children join you in singing a song and as you change the volume of your voice for each verse. 

Greeting Song: “Try, Try, Try To Sing” #2

Have children sing a song and change the pitch of their voices along with you. 

Greeting Song: “We’re Happy You Are Here” #1

Distribute name cards to three children at a time and sing a verse greeting those children.  Repeat until every child is included.

Greeting Song: “We’re Happy You Are Here” #2

Have rubber band instruments available and tell children to pluck their instrument when you sing their name.

Greeting Song: “We’re Happy You Are Here” #3

Have children choose from a set of musical instruments and have them play that instrument when they hear their name in the song.

Learn About Letter Sounds Together: Bag of Sounds (/i/)

Ask children to pull out an object from a bag filled with objects beginning with the /i/ sound. Have children name the object emphasizing the /i/ sound.

Learn About Letter Sounds Together: Bag of Sounds (/l/)

Play a sound game to help children listen for and recognize the /l/ sound in the beginning of familiar words.

Learn About Letter Sounds Together: Bag of Sounds (/m/)

Show children a bag filled with objects that begin with the /m/ sound. Ask children to pull an object from the bag and name it.

Learn About Letter Sounds Together: Beginning Sound (/i/)

Ask children to get up and dance when they hear words that begin with the /i/ sound. Let children lead the game and include new words.

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