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Draw and Write Together: “Worms” Chart
Have children draw and dictate or write a fact they learned about how worms help plants.
Learn About Letter Sounds Together: Bag of Sounds (/s/)
Children choose /s/ objects from a bag and create sentences for objects that start with the /s/ sound.
Learn About Letters Together: Target Letter (“Gg”) and Word (garden)
Use the Target Letter and Word Routine to introduce children to the letter “Gg” and the word garden.
Recite Together: “A Seed is Planted”
Recite the poem and have children move like a growing seed.
Recite Together: “Five Little Flowers”
Count the number of fingers on one hand. Recite the poem with the finger motions.
Recite Together: “Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary”
Recite the poem and substitute children’s names for the name “Mary.”
Recite Together: “Wiggle, Wiggle”
Have children wiggle as they recite the poem. Review the letter “Ww” and the word worms.
Review the Week Together: Unit 7, Week 4
Revisit the charts, objects, and pictures from the week. Review plant needs, underground environments, and gardening, “Ww,” /w/, and worms.
Sing Together: “I’m a Little Brown Seed” #1
Sing and act out the song to help children practice patience.
Sing Together: “The Boy Plants a Seed”
Sing the song to help children retell the story of The Carrot Seed.
Talk Together: Bulbs
Introduce bulbs. Explore an onion bulb and an onion.
Talk Together: Comparing Plants
Have children compare different plants and flowers by using their senses.
Talk Together: More About Plant Helpers
Talk about plant needs. Introduce things in the underground environment that help plants meet their needs.
Talk Together: Observe Underground Changes
Revisit the worm habitat and discuss the changes that have taken place.
Talk Together: Plants Review
Review the activities children did this week. Have each child tell one thing he or she learned about plants.
Talk Together: Seeds, Seeds, Seeds #1
Review the farm visit. Reinforce that a seed will grow into the parent plant it came from.
Talk Together: Space to Grow
Discuss how plants need a larger area to grow in as they get bigger.
Watch Together: “Experimenting with Seeds” (PEEP live-action clip)
Play the video PEEP and the Big Wide World “Experimenting with Seeds.” Compare the video’s experiment to the children’s experiment with seeds.
Watch Together: “Fred Says: kazoo” (BTL clip)
Play the Between the Lions video “Fred Says: kazoo.” Have children listen for /k/ sound and look for the letter “k.”
Watch Together: “Fred Says: sing” (BTL clip)
Play the Between the Lions video “Fred Says: sing” and have children identify the letter “s.”