- Arts (2)
- Letters & Letter Sounds
- Playing (1)
- Talking & Listening (6)
- Videos (6)
- Games (1)
- Songs/Poems (4)
- Activities
Found 35 results. Showing 2 of 2 pages.
Watch Together: “Words Beginning with ‘g’” (BTL clip)
Play the Between the Lions video “Words Beginning with ‘g’.” Have children listen for /g/ words.
Watch Together: “Words Beginning with ‘k’” (BTL clip)
Play the Between the Lions video “Words Beginning with ‘k’.” Have children listen for /k/ words.
Watch Together: “Words Beginning with ‘s’” #2 (BTL clip)
Play the video clip Between the Lions “Words Beginning with ‘s’” and have children listen for words that begin with /s/.
Watch Together: “Words Beginning with ‘w’” (BTL clip)
Watch the video Between the Lions “Words Beginning with ‘w.’ Have children wave each time they see the letter “w.”
Watch Together: “Worm Watches” (BTL clip)
Watch the video Between the Lions “Worm Watches.” Have children wiggle when they hear the letter sound /w/.
Word Play: Alliteration (/k/)
Repeat the sentence “Kevin keeps kiwis in the kitchen” with the children. Stress the /k/ sound.
Word Play: Alliteration (/s/)
Create a sentence emphasizing the beginning sound of /s/. Challenge children to say the sentence faster and faster.
Word Play: Alliteration (/w/) #1
Repeat the sentence “Willie wiggled wildly.” Challenge children to say the sentence three times.
Word Play: Clap the Last Sound (/n/)
Instruct children to clap when they hear a word that ends with the /n/ sound.
Word Play: Riddles (/s/)
Make a list of words with the /s/ sound and use the words to make up riddles for children to solve.
Word Play: Simon Says: /s/
Play Simon Says using words that begin with the /s/ sound.
Word Play: Tap the Sound (/g/)
Say some words and have children repeat back the /g/ sound at the beginning of the words.
Word Play: Tell Me What You Hear (/g/)
Recite the chant and have children listen for the words that end with the sound /g/.
Word Play: Tell Me What You Hear (/k/)
Recite the poem and have children listen for words that begin with the /k/ sound.
Word Play: What Sound Do You Hear?
Show children picture cards to identify and emphasize the beginning letter sounds.