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Talk Together: Color Words
Discuss shades of yellow and words used to name shades of yellow.
Talk Together: Favorite Colors
Have children choose and describe a favorite color and graph them on a chart.
Talk Together: Introduce Color
Introduce color and encourage children to notice blue things around them.
Talk Together: Mixing Colors
Discuss what happens when two primary colors are mixed together to make a new color.
Talk Together: Rainbow CDs
Help children create their own rainbows using CDs.
Talk Together: Rainbow Colors
Talk about rainbows and the colors of the rainbow.
Talk Together: Red Clothes
Have children talk about red clothing as they organize the clothes from darkest to lightest red.
Talk Together: Revisit Colors
Have children discuss skills they used while exploring colors this week and share observations.
Talk Together: Yellow Things
Discuss objects that are shades of yellow that children found at home or on the way home.
Watch Together: “A Peep of a Different Color” #1 (PEEP show)
Watch Peep, Quack, and Chirp as they discover what happens when different colors are mixed together.
Watch Together: “A Peep of a Different Color” #2 (PEEP show)
Watch a video about three friends who explore colors by dipping themselves into jars of paint.
Watch Together: “Finger Paints” #1 (BTL clip)
Have children watch Between the Lions “Finger Paints,” a video poem about mixing paint colors with fingers.
Watch Together: “Spicy Hot Colors” #1 (BTL show)
Watch a Between the Lions video about different colors.
Watch Together: “Spicy Hot Colors” #2 (BTL show)
Watch a Between the Lions video and focus on the different shades of colors in the video.
Watch Together: “Spicy Hot Colors” #4 (BTL show)
Have children hold up a color circle that corresponds to the colors in a Between the Lions video.
Watch Together: “Yellow” #1 (BTL clip)
Watch a Between the Lions video about a the color yellow.
Watch Together: “Yellow” #2 (BTL clip)
Watch a Between the Lions video about a poem called “Yellow,” focusing on clapping syllables.
Word Play: Match Colors and Words
Help children match printed names of the color to their corresponding color circles.
Word Play: Word (yellow)
Have children find shades of yellow paint squares that match a description.