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Read Together: Alphabet Under Construction #2
Reread the book and have children create their own alphabet charts with letters they cut from magazines.
Read Together: Building a House #1
Read Building a House by Byron Barton with children. Have children talk about the sequence of steps builders follow to construct a house.
Read Together: Building a House #2
Read Building a House. Focus on the different steps the builders took to build a house and compare it to the steps the children took in building their houses.
Read Together: Educator’s Choice, Unit 6, Week 2
Read aloud The Three Little Javelinas, another version of The Three Little Pigs, or a new book about building.
Read Together: Tap Tap Bang Bang #1
Have children compare the tools in the book to the tools in Building a House.
Read Together: Tap Tap Bang Bang #2
Read the story again and focus on the tools and the sequence they have in building the kart.
Read Together: Tell the Truth, B. B. Wolf #1
Read another story about the three little pigs. Explain that this book tells the big bad wolf’s side to the story.
Read Together: Tell the Truth, B. B. Wolf #2
Reread the story and have children identify the tools in the book.
Read Together: The Three Little Javelinas #1
Read another version of the folktale The Three Little Pigs. Compare this story to other versions.
Read Together: The Three Little Javelinas #2
Reread The Three Little Javelinas by Susan Lowell. Help children make connections between the pigs’ houses and structures they have built.
Read Together: The Three Little Pigs #1
Read aloud The Three Little Pigs by Paul Galdone. Prompt children to think about the materials the pigs used to build the houses.
Read Together: The Three Little Pigs #2
Read the folktale and discuss what makes it a make-believe story.
Read Together: The Three Little Pigs #3
Reread The Three Little Pigs. Have children focus on the order of events in the story.
Sing Together: “I’m Feeling Sorry”
Have children recall the story Tell the Truth, B.B. Wolf and sing the song about the wolf and the three pigs.
Sing Together: “This Is the Way We Build a House”
Discuss the different tools used in building a house. Invite children to sing and act out “This is the Way We Build a House.”
Talk Together: Bridges
Open a discussion about bridges and what makes bridges strong.
Talk Together: Building High
Introduce the idea of building higher. Have children reflect on how they can make their structures higher.
Talk Together: Building Higher, Building Stronger
Discuss the photos you took of children building towers. Have children work together to strategize new ways to make their structures stronger and higher.
Talk Together: Building Materials
Open a discussion about building materials and compare their different properties.
Talk Together: Building Strong
Revisit building strong structures. Discuss children’s building and how they made them stronger.