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  • Plants We Eat

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  • Plants We Eat




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Found 35 results. Showing 1 of 2 pages.

Draw and Write Together: Fiesta Foods

Describe a fiesta and make a “Fiesta Foods” book by having children draw pictures of plant foods that begin with the letter “F.”

Draw and Write Together: My Favorite Dinner

Have children draw a picture of their favorite dinner food and write or dictate a sentence about the food.

Draw and Write Together: Our Recipe Book

Talk about recipes. Have children bring in a recipe from home to add to the class’s “Our Recipe Book.”

Draw and Write Together: Plants We Like

Have children make a graph of their favorite plants to eat.

Draw and Write Together: The Vegetable I Like Best

Display a chart of different leaf and root vegetables. Have children graph which they like best.

Draw and Write Together: Vegetable Riddles

Help children dictate or write riddles about root and leaf vegetables.

Draw and Write Together: Watermelon

Help children dictate or write two ideas about watermelon. Have each child draw a watermelon.

Draw and Write Together: What’s for Dinner?

Have children draw a picture of food they would want for dinner. Have them dictate or write a sentence describing the food.  

Draw and Write Together: Write about Leaf and Root Vegetables

Have children use descriptive vocabulary to describe root and leaf vegetables. Invite them to draw the vegetables to illustrate their descriptions.

Learn About Letters Together: Shape and Decorate Letter (“Vv”)

Have children trace a “V” stencil and then decorate the letter.

Play Together: “The Cook in the Kitchen”

Sing the song “The Cook in the Kitchen” as children play the game and become ingredients in the bee-bim bop.  

Play Together: Who Took the Potato?

Play this adaptation of “Doggie, Doggie, Your Bone is Gone” to help children build listening skills.

Read Together: A Fruit Is a Suitcase for Seeds #1

Read the book, comparing a fruit to a suitcase. Have children notice all “fruit suitcases.”

Read Together: A Fruit Is a Suitcase for Seeds #2

Reread the story and focus children on different ways a seed can travel from one place to another.

Read Together: Bee-bim Bop!

Discuss how different countries and families have their own special recipes. Read the story and have children notice all the foods in the bee-bim bop.

Read Together: Chicks and Salsa #1

Read the book Chicks and Salsa with children and focus on how the animals in the story solve their problem.

Read Together: Chicks and Salsa #2

Reread the book and discuss how people eat different foods all over the world.

Read Together: Chicks and Salsa #3

Reread Chicks and Salsa. Have children name root or leaf vegetables they recognize.

Read Together: Eating the Alphabet #1

Read about plant foods that begin with every letter of the alphabet and have children identify which part of the plant each food is from.

Read Together: Eating the Alphabet #2

Reread the story and have children call out the names of the plants they know.

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