Found 8 results.
Read Together: City Lullaby #2
Reread City Lullaby as you focus on the story as a number book and have children count the objects on the page.
Read Together: Educator’s Choice, Unit 3, Week 1
Read a book focusing on sounds and how they are made.
Read Together: Educator’s Choice, Unit 3, Week 2
Revisit one of the books from the week or the video Between the Lions “Night in the Country” and focus on the sounds in the story.
Read Together: Max Found Two Sticks #1
Read the book Max Found Two Sticks by Jerry Pinkney. Have children use materials to create sounds like Max made in the story.
Read Together: Night in the Country #2
Invite children to use their voices, bodies, or objects to make some of the sounds in the book.
Read Together: The Listening Walk #1
Read a story about a girl who goes on a listening walk and guide children to make connections to their own explorations of sound.
Read Together: The Listening Walk #2
Reread The Listening Walk by Paul Showers and have children close their eyes and imagine the different sounds the girl hears on her walk.
Word Play: Rhyming Words #2
Read the book City Lullaby with children, focusing on the rhyming words. Pause and ask children to identify the rhyming words.