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Found 59 results. Showing 1 of 3 pages.

Draw and Write Together: Building Riddles

Invite children to create riddles that describe materials and tools.

Draw and Write Together: Compare Versions of The Three Little Pigs

Create a “Same/Different” Chart to compare the versions of the three little pigs’ story.

Draw and Write Together: Comparing Stories

Have children compare similarities and differences about two versions of a story. Chart results.

Draw and Write Together: Letter to the Big Bad Wolf

Have children write, draw, or dictate a letter to the big bad wolf.

Draw and Write Together: More of “Our Three Little Pigs”

Have children finish writing and illustrating their version of The Three Little Pigs. Help children put the pictures in the correct sequence and bind the pages into a booklet.

Draw and Write Together: “Our Three Little Pigs” #1

Have children draw, dictate, or write their own version of The Three Little Pigs.

Draw and Write Together: “Our Three Little Pigs” #2

Have children continue to work on their variation of The Three Little Pigs. Have children dictate or write words to go along their drawings and dictations.

Draw and Write Together: Retell The Three Little Javelinas

Have children use puppets to retell the story.

Draw and Write Together: Tool Riddles

Have children work together to make tool riddles. Have them describe a tool and use their description to create a riddle.

Draw and Write Together: Write a Rhyme

Have children dictate or write a rhyme about houses and draw pictures to illustrate their rhyme.    

Greeting Song: “I See Someone” #3

Sing the greeting song to three children at a time and clap the parts in their names. Identify whose name was called first, next, and last.

Learn About Letters Together: ABC Hunt and Build

Have children find the hidden letters and build the alphabet in the correct order.

Learn About Letters Together: Construct the Letter “X”

Construct the letter “X” using pieces of posterboard and fasteners.

Learn About Letters Together: Letter “X” Crossover

Have children march along a large uppercase and lowercase “Xx” on the floor.

Play Together: “Dub Cubs” #1 (BTL game)

Play the computer rhyming game Between The Lions “Dub Cubs.”

Play Together: Huff and Puff Tag

Play this game of tag and have “the wolf” chase after the little pigs. The game ends when all the little pigs have been tagged.

Play Together: Match the Tool

Point to a tool in Tap Tap Bang Bang and call out a child’s name. Have that child find the tool that matches the picture and act out using the tool.  

Play Together: Musical Alphabet Chairs

Stop the music to signal children to sit on a chair. Ask each child to identify the letter on his or her chair.

Play Together: Pig, Pig, Wolf!

Play the game “Duck, Duck, Goose” using words pig and wolf.  

Play Together: “X” Marks the Spot

Have children play the letter card game to get to the “X” spot.

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