- Music & Dance
- Talking & Listening (2)
- Songs/Poems (5)
- Activities
- Music & Dance
- Talking & Listening (2)
- Songs/Poems (5)
- Activities
Found 5 results.
Greeting Song: “Will You Meet a Friend of Mine?” #1
Sing the greeting song and signal to one child and have the whole class greet him or her.
Greeting Song: “Will You Meet a Friend of Mine?” #2
Hold up a name card in the last line of the greeting song "Will You Be A Friend Of Mine" and have everyone greet that child.
Greeting Song: “Will You Meet a Friend of Mine?” #5
Have children discuss and choose how they would like to sing the greeting song.
Sing Together: “The Wheels on the Bus” #3
Discuss how a bus moves from place to place on wheels and then sing a song about a bus and act out the motions.
Talk Together: I Can Do It!
Review the story The Little Engine That Could. Have children share a time they were afraid to go down an inclined plane.