
Found 10 results.

Bouncy Time

Try a song or a rhyme as you bounce your baby on your knee or hold her in your arms.

Feel the Vibrations

Explore vibrations with your child. Sing a song or hunt for things that vibrate to help her understand how sound is caused by vibrations.

Finger Play

Try these fun songs as you move your hands to go with the words

Listening Station

Set up a listening station in your home where your child can listen to different types of music.

Move to the Groove

Music is a great way to get your baby moving and sets the stage for later fitness.

Music Around the World

Listen to music from around the world together. Help your child compare the music to his favorite music or song.

Music Makers

Hum, sing, whistle—what other ways can you make music? Try simple, homemade instruments, too!

Sound Box

Explore and create sounds with your child while using everyday objects.

Tasty Traditions

Introduce your child to another culture by making a traditional soup or salad from a culture other than your own.

Theme Music

Pick a “theme” song to help your toddler make transitions throughout the day.

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