
Found 11 results.

Color Mix

Playing with paints is a great way to let your toddler express herself, experiment, and have fun.

Color Strip Match

Play a color matching game with your child as you explore colors and shades and tints of colors together.

Listening Station

Set up a listening station in your home where your child can listen to different types of music.

Living Under Water

Help your child learn about animals that live in or around water by looking at pictures and imagining life under water.

Music Makers

Hum, sing, whistle—what other ways can you make music? Try simple, homemade instruments, too!

My Important People Tree

Create a family and friend tree to help your child recognize the most important people in her life.

Neighborhood Houses and Buildings

Take a walk with your child and talk about different shapes, textures, and materials you notice on the houses and buildings.

Play Write

Make writing part of your toddler’s pretend games, from make-believe shopping lists to party invitations.

Puppet Play

Puppets are wonderful toys for building your toddler’s talking and listening skills—and playing with puppets is a great excuse to get silly!


Help your toddler draw his own, life-sized self-portrait!

Watch It Grow

Plant seeds with your child. Let him be responsible for watering them to help him learn what plants need to live and grow.

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