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Baby Treasure Box

Help your baby discover the magic in everyday objects.

Captain Baby

Help your baby see the world from a new perspective when you play “airplane.” Ready, set, take off!

Color Mix

Playing with paints is a great way to let your toddler express herself, experiment, and have fun.

Different Ways to Play

Help children master new skills, remember new ideas, and investigate the world. Find opportunities to include new concepts, ideas, and words in their play in different ways.

Everyday Objects Are Fun Toys

Plan and build with boxes, tubes, containers, and other everyday objects together to help children develop language, art, math, and engineering skills.

Everyday Toys

Toys don’t have to be fancy or store-bought to bring hours of entertainment for your toddler.

Figure It Out

Play games to help toddlers use and strengthen their reasoning skills and to help them put their reasoning into words.

Hide and Seek

Play hide-and-seek games with babies to help them learn that things and people exist even when they can’t be seen.

In the Mirror

Give a baby a mirror and join him in the fun. Make silly faces, clap to a tune, point out body parts, or watch as he babbles to his new “friend.”

Learn About Letter Sounds Together: Bag of Sounds (/l/)

Play a sound game to help children listen for and recognize the /l/ sound in the beginning of familiar words.

Let’s Laugh

Ask family members to share what makes their baby laugh. Make a book of “laughing baby” ideas and share it with families and colleagues.

Path Games, Board Games

Build a child’s strong sense of numbers and a foundation for math learning in later years by playing simple board games together.

Play and Explore

Guide a baby’s exploration—or just follow her lead—as she learns about her world with her eyes, ears, hands, mouths, and actions.

Play Pretend

Offer a collection of used clothes and props so children can pretend to be a family member, a favorite story character, and more.

Play Together: Clap Jazz Baby Rhythms

Read aloud a few spreads of Jazz Baby to children, emphasizing the rhythm of the words. Help children notice the rhythm and clap along.

Play Together: Flower, Fruit, Vegetable

Play a game of Duck, Duck Goose, but change the words to Flower, Fruit, Vegetable.

Play Together: Samantha Says (“Hh”)

Play “Simon Says.” as children repeat an action only when they hear a word beginning with the letter /h/ sound.

Puppet Play

Puppets are wonderful toys for building your toddler’s talking and listening skills—and playing with puppets is a great excuse to get silly!

Recite Together: “Ten Little Monkeys”

Together recite the familiar chant “Ten Little Monkeys” using finger actions to help the children count down from ten.

Talk Together: “Three Little Mice”

Have children use their small motor skills as they recite a finger play about colors.

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