
Found 8 results.

Act Out a Ramp Story

Read a book about ramps and help your child make connections to ramps found in your neighborhood.

Down the Slide

Test how different materials can make your child move down a slide faster, slower, or not at all.

Nature Walk

Taking a walk together outside—in the city or the country—offers so many ways to explore, learn, discover, and investigate!

Plants Here and There

Point out different environments plants grow in when you are out and about—such as in the park, by a pond, or in the woods.

Seed Search

Take an outdoor walk with your child and collect seeds (flowers, trees, bushes, etc.). Explore, sort, and compare your seed collection.

Sort It Out

Sorting by color, size, texture, or any other category helps your toddler learn how things are alike or different.

Sound Hunt

Turn an outdoor walk with your child into a hunt for sounds. Listen for sounds and identify where they come from.

What Happens If . . .

With a few pans or buckets, your toddler-scientist can experiment and explore!

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