Music & Dance (12 - 33 months)

Music is a fun way for toddlers to develop creatively, physically, and emotionally. But that’s not all—music is a great way to bring families and communities together. Singing with their teachers, peers, and families builds a sense of belonging for toddlers. It helps them feel good about who they are and the people they are with.

The rhythms, beats, patterns, and melodies in music, along with singing, dancing, and making music, can encourage toddlers to imitate new words, phrases, rhymes, and motions.

  • Singing action songs helps toddlers attach meaning to words and explore concepts such as numbers, directions, and opposites.
  • Marching, clapping, spinning, jumping, and doing finger plays let toddlers practice new physical abilities as they learn new words.
  • Toddlers like to create their own music and make up songs and dances.
  • Experimenting with different ways of moving, singing, and making sounds lets young children express their feelings and their creativity.
  • Playing with patterns in sounds, words, and syllables helps toddlers build important foundations for math and reading. 
  • Singing songs in their home language helps toddlers make the connection between home and the childcare setting.

Music has many developmental benefits for toddlers—but don’t forget to have lots of fun while you’re singing and dancing together!

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