Educator Preparation: Setting up the Room (ELA/STEM)

During the first two weeks children are introduced to the learning environment and to one another. They will also be doing hands-on indoor and outdoor explorations.

Label the Areas of the Room In this introductory unit, clearly label, with decorative signs that contain representative pictures, the areas of the room as children explore and are introduced to their learning environment.

Families Wall Display Create a wall display that represents different families. Show families that are made up of a wide range of members—including aunts, uncles, grandmothers, and grandfathers in the home, and include animal families as well. Be sure to display all configurations of families equally on the family wall. You may want to also include a picture of the Lion family from Between the Lions. Invite children to look at the pictures and talk about the families and how they are alike or different from their own.

Alphabet Strip or Chart Display an alphabet strip and chart to support children’s introduction to the alphabet in Week Two. Place an alphabet strip low to the floor so children can reach it. Display the Between the Lions Alphabet Chart or another similar chart for children to see.

Scientists Wall Create a wall for pictures and photographs you take of children as they explore, observe, and document information while doing their hands-on explorations. Include the words explore and observe in block letters on the wall (as well as other key words, such as question, details, record). While discussing the scientists’ work with children, use and point to the words explore and observe. Ask children to share some of their drawings or comment on pictures interest them.

Technology Corner Set up a technology corner for children to revisit the videos from the unit and the interactive game. Give children access to any recordings you made of them exploring.

Book-Browsing Boxes Create book-browsing boxes with fiction, nonfiction, and concept books about human families and animal  families. Label the boxes with words and a matching picture or symbol. Place the boxes in the Library Center.

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