Unit Learning Goals


Children will:

  • Listen to, describe, and compare sounds
  • Recognize that sounds have different volumes, pitches, and timbres (qualities)
  • Compare and contrast qualities of sound including volume (loud, soft), pitch (high, low), and timbre (e.g., growly, squeaky) using key sound vocabulary
  • Identify and sort sounds that are the same and different, especially in music
  • Predict, investigate, and identify sounds indoors and outdoors
  • Make a graph to chart their favorite instruments
  • Talk about how sounds are made (cause and effect)
  • Begin to understand vibration and how it affects sound
  • Explore how to pluck, tap, shake, beat, rub, and blow to make sounds using different materials and instruments
  • Predict the sounds materials will produce, especially when hit or plucked
  • Reproduce sounds after hearing them
  • Reflect, share, and record ideas about sound


Children will:

  • Recognize, match, and form uppercase and lowercase “Mm,” “Jj,” “Ll,” and “Ii” (Alphabet Knowledge)
  • Identify the first letter in context of a word (music, jazz, loud, instrument) (Alphabet Knowledge)
  • Listen for beginning sounds in words (/m/, /j/, /l/, and /i/) (Phonological Awareness)
  • Identify and repeat alliterative sentences (Phonological Awareness)
  • Identify and understand the roles of author and illustrator (Concepts of Print)
  • Begin to understand directionality in print (Concepts of Print)
  • Learn how to turn pages, one at a time and front to back (Concepts of Print)
  • Begin to learn how to handle books and practice book care (Concepts of Print)
  • Follow directions (Listening and Speaking)
  • Engage in active listening and viewing (Listening and Speaking)
  • Build understanding through text-to-self and text-to-world connections (Comprehension)
  • Be exposed to new concept vocabulary in cross-curricular ways (Vocabulary)
  • Listen to, develop understanding of meaning, and use new concept vocabulary words about sound: band, beat, blow, feel, instrument, music, pluck, tap, and vibrate (Vocabulary)


Children will:

  • Build self-concept by playing instruments and dancing
  • Develop self-expression as they play with their voice and sing for others
  • Explore their feelings as they identify how certain music affects them
  • Begin to identify and articulate their preferences in music
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