Found 5 results.
Play Together: Bear, Bear, Fish!
Play a game of Duck, Duck Goose, but change the words to Bear, Bear, Fish.
Play Together: “Fish Swish” #1 (PEEP game)
Children play the Peep and the Big Wide World interactive game “Fish Swish” and count how many balloons Quack needs for his friends.
Play Together: Laundry Hat Toss
Have children find hats that go in the laundry and absorb water. Allow them to toss the hats into a laundry basket.
Play Together: Over, Under, Around, and Through
Play the game to build children’s vocabulary to discuss moving water.
Play Together: Sink or Float Musical Chairs
Stop the music and have children sit on a chair. Have them grab a ball from under their chair and test whether it will sink or float.