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Animal Tools: "Chirp Builds a Nest" #3 (PEEP show)
Have children watch the video PEEP and the Big Wide World “Chirp Builds a Nest.” Encourage children to browse through books from the Library Center to find out more about how animals build their homes.
Show the blueprint in Building a House by Byron Barton. Have children draw a blueprint for a building they would like to build.
Building from Blueprints
Use blueprints to build the structure out of blocks. Encourage children to discuss how to make the parts of the house strong.
Explore Together (indoors): Build a Bridge
Have children work in pairs to build their bridges.
Explore Together (indoors): Build a Cup Tower
Children continue to build towers using different materials. Test each tower’s stability.
Explore Together (indoors): Build-a-House
Provide the different materials children have used while exploring buildings this week. Allow free exploration and have children use the materials to build a house.
Explore Together (indoors): Build a House for a Toy
Have children make houses for toys. Focus them on the size of the house so the toys fit inside.
Explore Together (indoors): Build a Representation
Have children build a representation of the building they saw.
Explore Together (indoors): Build a Tower
Have children build towers out of blocks. Have them draw a picture to record their tower.
Explore Together (indoors): Build with Different Materials
Challenge children to recreate their houses, bridges, and 3-D representations using different materials.
Explore Together (indoors): Building More Towers
Have children continue to explore using different materials to build towers.
Explore Together (indoors): Free Building
Have children continue building towers. Encourage them to explore using the materials in new ways.
Explore Together (indoors): The Huff and Puff Test
Build straw, stick, and brick houses and try to blow them over. Encourage children to document their observations by drawing, writing, or dictating to you.
Explore Together (indoors): Using Building Materials
Allow children to freely explore the building materials. Invite them to make different structures they have learned about.
Explore Together (indoors): Walls and Roofs
Have children work in small groups to freely explore materials as they build different parts of a house.
Hammering Time
Have children practice some building skills. Demonstrate how to hammer golf tees into foam pieces and how to twist a screw into a bar of soap.
Make Adobe Bricks
Have children follow directions on how to make an adobe brick.
Materials Sort
Have children place objects in the correct category: materials that are good for building a house and materials that are not good for building a house.
Will It Fall Down?
Create structures out of different materials. Have children predict and record which houses they think will fall if they try to blow the house down.