ELA Educator Preparation
In this unit children have fun exploring ramps. Here are some ideas to create a space that will engage children during the week.
Ramps and Rolling Wall Display Create a wall display featuring ramps and things that roll or slide, such as a collection of pictures of trucks, trains, roller coasters, wheelchairs, skiers, skaters, and more. Be sure to include a grocery cart and trikes and bikes, objects that children most likely see every day. As the unit progresses, fill the walls with children’s artwork and photographs you’ve taken of them as they investigate ramps and what does and doesn’t roll, slide, collide, or overturn. Encourage children to use key vocabulary words to describe what they see in the displays.
Book-Browsing Boxes Create a ramps-and-rolling book-browsing box, with fiction and nonfiction books about things that have inclined planes or wheels and some of the ways we use them. Label the box with words and a matching picture or symbol, such as a sliding board or a wheel, so children can identify the contents and browse on their own. Add new alphabet books to the ABC book-browsing box.