Unit Learning Goals


Children will:

  • Begin to understand that water, as a liquid, flows and takes the shape of its container
  • Begin to understand that water usually flows downhill
  • Explore how the direction of water flow can be changed by digging paths or building walls and dams
  • Begin to understand that water behaves differently on different surfaces
  • Use tools to move water from one container to another
  • Begin to understand that objects behave differently in water
  • Begin to understand that some objects float and some sink
  • Explore how the materials objects are made of, and their sizes, weights, shapes, and other characteristics, may influence whether the objects sink or float
  • Understand that if you add enough weight to a floating object, it will sink
  • Begin to understand that some surfaces absorb water while some don’t
  • Begin to understand that wet things become dry as water evaporates (changes from a liquid to a gas)
  • Observe that when water flows very slowly, it can start to drip
  • Begin to understand that water sticks together
  • Use tools such as eyedroppers and toothpicks to move water across a surface
  • Share ideas, make predictions, explore, and record their observations of water and water flow


Children will:

  • Recognize, match, and form uppercase and lowercase letters “Ww,” “Rr,” “Dd,” “Bb,” and “Uu” (Alphabet Awareness)
  • Identify the first letter (“Ww,” “Rr,” “Dd,” “Bb,” and “Uu”) in context of a word (water, river, drift, boat, and up) (Alphabet Awareness)
  • Identify beginning sounds in words (Phonological Awareness)
  • Clap words in a sentence (Phonological Awareness)
  • Generate alliterative sentences (Phonological Awareness)
  • Develop awareness of sounds in language by clapping to words in a sentence (Phonological Awareness)
  • Engage in active viewing and listening (Listening and Speaking)
  • Build understanding through text-to-self and text-to-text connections (Comprehension)
  • Listen to, develop an understanding of meaning, and use new concept vocabulary words about water including absorb, drip, drop, evaporate, flow, puddle, settle, stream (Vocabulary)


Children will:

  • Initiate and participate in multi-exchange discussions
  • Express their needs, wants, feelings, thoughts, ideas, and opinions
  • Understand group roles, rules, and expectations
  • Initiate, organize, and participate in independent activities
  • Seek answers to questions
  • Sustain attention to personally chosen or routine tasks until they are completed
  • Begin to understand character traits such as honesty, kindness, fairness, trustworthiness, and personal responsibility
  • Take care of and manage classroom materials
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