Professional Development (BIRTH - 33 MONTHS)
Explore best practices in early education of children ages birth to 33 months. These five engaging, content-rich, video-based trainings are organized by age. Take the online 45-minute self-paced version, or download the Facilitator’s Guide to lead family child-care and center- and school-based educators in a 1.5–2 hour training.
Nurture the roots of language, literacy, and STEM in infants and toddlers (birth to 33 months) by building strong, caring relationships and offering stimulating learning opportunities.
Support young infants’ (birth to 8 months) learning by building a special bond with each baby, talking together all day long, and helping babies connect with their world.
Support older infants’ (6 to 15 months) learning by expanding their language all the time, using language to support exploration, and helping children connect with each other.
Support young toddlers’ (12 to 24 months) learning by helping children express themselves in positive ways; expanding their language while talking, reading, and playing together; and helping them explore how things relate to each other.
Support older toddlers’ (22 to 33 months) learning by engaging children in conversations that go beyond the here and now, helping every child participate in language-building conversations, and using math talk throughout the day.
Professional Development (3 - 5 YEARS)
Explore best practices in early education of children ages 3 to 5 years. These twelve engaging, content-rich, video-based trainings are organized by topic. Take the online 45-minute self-paced version, or download the Facilitator’s Guide to lead family child-care and center-based educators in a 1.5–2 hour training.
Design a learning environment that supports children's developmental growth by planning and organizing the space, establishing routines, and fostering exploration.
Engage children in meaningful conversation by building in opportunities to talk, modeling conversation, and using complex language and vocabulary.
Use media and technology to enhance your curriculum by selecting appropriate media, supporting children’s viewing, and helping children reflect and make connections.
Engage children in math by integrating math into daily activities, using math vocabulary, and assessing what children understand.
Provide developmentally appropriate learning by understanding how young children think, identifying and utilizing children’s strengths, and helping children self-regulate their emotions and behaviors.
Individualize instruction for each child by assessing their interests, talents, needs, and abilities; demonstrating and scaffolding; and clearly communicating expectations.
Honor diversity by fostering each child’s sense of self and community, helping children celebrate differences in themselves and others, and teaching about fairness.
Get families involved by building positive and collaborative relationships with them and by helping them extend their child’s learning at home.
Build an active community of readers and writers by teaching about the world through print and conversation, building on knowledge gained from reading, and integrating reading and writing throughout the day.
Lead children in hands-on science explorations by preparing ahead, guiding children’s explorations, and helping children make connections between science concepts and their everyday lives.
Engage children in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) by offering activities that allow them to investigate and explore, integrating STEM vocabulary throughout the day, and guiding children to reflect on new understandings.
Teach children phonemic awareness skills in fun and engaging ways by playing with rhymes, sounds, and words.
There are many ways to search for fun and engaging activities. Find the ones that are just right for you!
Topics/Units (Birth - 5 Years)
Click on the topics or units to find quick, easy, fun activities to do with children in your care setting. The activities and media-based curriculum (for older children) provide exciting, focused, everyday learning experiences. Whether you are a family child care, center-based, or school-based educator, you can use these resources to help nurture children's developmental, physical, and social-emotional learning.