Found 15 results.
Action Songs
Sing songs with actions and gestures to help toddlers expand their vocabularies and practice concepts.
Book Time
Engage babies in reading right from the start. Read to babies, but let them explore books with their eyes, mouths, and fingers, too!
Feelings Are Important!
Help toddlers learn words and strategies they need to help them manage and express and feelings, stay safe, handle new situations, and resolve problems.
Flashlight Games
Play flashlight games with toddlers to help them build language skills. Spotlight and name an object in the room and then talk about it.
Just Like Me
Nurture a toddler’s individuality. Choose books with characters they can identify with and stories that reflect their home languages and cultures.
Just Like Me
Nurture a toddler’s individuality. Choose books with characters they can identify with and stories that reflect their home languages and cultures.
Math by the Book
Reading counting books together helps your toddler enjoy and understand math.
My Family Book
Create a book of favorite people for each baby. Use photos of their families and friends. “Read” the book together by talking about the pictures.
Nature's Music
Sit quietly outside with one or two toddlers and listen to sounds together. Talk and sing about the sounds you hear.
Packing for a Picnic
Planning a picnic together involves lots of early math concepts.
Read About Feelings
Read books to toddlers that capture feelings and worries. Use the stories as opportunities to talk with toddlers about their own experiences and feelings.
Play a game with toddlers and help prepare them to become good readers. Focus on pictures in a book and talk about them together.
“Shake Your Sillies Out”
Sing songs to help give toddlers positive ways to express their emotions and to help build their emotional vocabulary. Create verses to go along with what toddlers are feeling.
Songs for Routines and Transitions
Play or sing simple songs during daily routines or transition times. Babies will begin to recognize the songs and connect them to specific routines or transitions.
Tell Stories
Engage babies with stories during your daily routines. Use interesting words and longer sentences as you create your stories.