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Found 40 results. Showing 2 of 2 pages.

Read Together: Violet’s Music

Read a book about a girl who loves to make music all day long. Discuss how the various sounds are made and act them out.

Recite Together: “Jazz Baby, Jazz Baby” #1

Recite the poem “Jazz Baby, Jazz Baby” with motions. Invite children to join you in reciting and acting out the sound words.

Sing Together: “Abiyoyo Is a Giant”

Have children vary the pitch as they sing and act out the song “Abiyoyo Is a Giant.”  

Sing Together: “Alphabet Hokey Pokey” #1

Gather children in a circle. First teach children the traditional song and motions. Then hand out plastic letters and sing the song for a particular letter.

Sing Together: “John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt”

Sing “John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt” with children. Vary the volume of the verse each time you sing and sing the chorus loudly.

Sing Together: “Looby Loo”

Invite children to hold hands and form a circle.  Teach the dance song “Looby Loo” and have the children sing and dance.

Sing Together: “My Mom Makes Music”

Teach children a chant, “My Mom Makes Music.” Invite children to pluck their guitar each time they hear a word beginning with the /m/ sound.

Talk Together: Feeling the Music

Talk about how different music can make you feel happy, sad, or even silly. Play a piece of music and ask children how they feel.

Talk Together: High and Low

Recite a poem to demonstrate and talk about the concepts of volume and pitch. Facilitate a discussion on sounds with high and low pitches.

Watch Together: “Lions Jabber, Jig, Jog” (BTL clip)

Play the Between the Lions video “Lions Jabbering, Doing a Jig, and Jogging.” Pause to explain the words jabber, jig, and jog as you watch the video.

Watch Together: “Ruby Sings the Blues” #1 (BTL show)

Watch a Between the Lions video about Ruby who learns to sing a type of music called the Blues. Help children make connections to the video.

Watch Together: “Ruby Sings the Blues” (BTL show) #2

Watch the Between the Lions video “Ruby Sings the Blues” again. Ask children to focus on how people in Ruby’s life feel about her volume.

Watch Together: “Tuning Up” (BTL clip)

Have children watch the Between the Lions clip “Poem: Tuning Up” to review some sound and music vocabulary.

Watch Together: “Violet’s Music” (BTL show)

Play the Between the Lions show “Violet’s Music." Have the book on display and allow children to recall events in the story before viewing.

Watch Together: “What Instrument Does Alvin Play?” (BTL show)

Watch a Between the Lions video about different musical instruments, then discuss the various instruments and their sounds.

Watch Together: “What’s Your Name? (i)” #1 (BTL clip)

Watch a short Between the Lions video about the letter “i.” Ask children to look for the uppercase and lowercase “Ii” on the screen.

Watch Together: “What’s Your Name? (i)” (BTL clip) #2

Watch a short video about the letter “Ii.” Ask children to notice the letter “Ii” when it appears on the screen.

Watch Together: “Word Morph: moon–mouse–mice” #1 (BTL clip)

Have children draw the letter “m” and repeat the words that begin with the letter “m” as they watch a short video clip. 

Watch Together: “Words Beginning with ‘m’” (BTL clip)

Watch a short video clip about the letter “Mm.”  Have children hold up their letter “Mm” card whenever they see the letter “Mm” on the screen.

Word Play: Finish the Rhyme

Have children make different sounds as they complete a rhyming chant. 

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