Getting Started
During this second week of the “Making Music” unit, children will continue to deepen their appreciation and understanding of music and how to make sounds themselves. Children will:
- Continue to explore different ways of producing sound with different materials
- Begin to explore listening to sounds and talking through tubes
- Watch PEEP and the Big Wide World “Hear Here” to extend their observations on making and listening to sounds through tubes
- Continue to focus on qualities of sound, such as volume, pitch, and timbre
- Be introduced to the term vibration
- Develop their appreciation of music by moving and painting to music
- Listen to a story about a baby who hears the sounds of jazz around him, Jazz Baby by Lisa Wheeler, to expand their vocabulary with new sound words related to jazz
- Watch the video Between the Lions “Ruby Sings the Blues” to learn about the “blues” and what happens when you are too loud
- Be introduced to the letters “Jj” and “Ll,” the letter sounds /j/ and /l/, and the words jazz and loud