Learning Goals
Children will:
- Explore, compare, and describe fruits and vegetables
- Begin to understand that a seed holds what a plant needs to make more of itself
- Learn how seeds travel from one place to another
- Begin to understand that many foods that animals, including humans, eat come from plants
- Understand that people and animals interact with their environment through their senses
- Sort and graph seeds
- Do simple experiments
- Record and share observations in group books, graphs, and charts
Children will:
- Recognize, match, and form uppercase and lowercase “Aa” (Alphabet Awareness)
- Identify the first letter (“Aa”) in context of a word (apple) (Alphabet Awareness)
- Identify beginning sounds in words and produce words with the same beginning sound (short /a/) (Phonological Awareness)
- Generate alliterative sentences (Phonological Awareness)
- Engage in active viewing and listening (Listening and Speaking)
- Build understanding through text-to-self and text-to-text connections (Comprehension)
- Interpret and act out illustrations from a story (Comprehension)
- Identify story plot (Comprehension)
- Listen to, develop an understanding of meaning, and use new concept vocabulary words about planting including fruit, vegetable, root, stem, leaf, seed, and plant (Vocabulary)
Children will:
- Participate in one-on-one, small-group, and large-group conversations/discussions
- Understand and respect group roles, rules, and expectations
- Express their own needs, wants, feelings, thoughts, ideas, and opinions
- Begin to initiate, organize, and participate in independent activities
- Seek help when needed and answers to questions
- Continue to understand the importance of treating the environment with respect and carear