Week 1: Sprouting Seeds and Bulbs

Learning Centers

Seedy "Ss"

Display and trace the letter “Ss card. Distribute “Ss” block letter sheets and have children fill the letters with seeds. 

Fish for Letters

Children identify letters in the word 'seed' and then go fishing for the letters!

Outdoor Plant Mural

Have children work together to create an outdoor plant mural. Encourage them to include plant parts above soil and below soil. 

Pop-Up Plants

Invite children to make a pop-up flower. Encourage children to tell a story about their plant as it “grows.” 

Build a Word (seed)

Have children build the word “seed” with blocks. Guide them to use curved blocks (arches) or make curves from small square blocks for the letters “s” and “e.”

Independent and Partner Reading, Unit 7, Week 1

Encourage children to select to select a nonfiction book that interests them and to look at the words and pictures on their own or with other children.

One-on-One Reading: One Bean

Read aloud to individuals or small groups. Discuss how the seed changes and grows as you read. 

My Garden

Children act out planting and tending a garden. Encourage them to use props as they plant and care for their garden.

Acting Out The Carrot Seed

Encourage children to retell the story of The Carrot Seed using props. Have small groups perform their versions. 

Seed Museum

Create a seed museum and invite children to visit the museum with friends and compare and discuss seeds.

Sorting Plant Objects

Have children sort objects they collected outdoors into different categories, such as color, texture, size, and shape. Encourage children to describe similarities and differences.

Hidden Bulbs

Fill the sensory table with dried beans. Have children “dig” up plant parts and then sort them into categories, such as size, color, texture, or shape

"Peep Plants a Seed" #5 (PEEP show)

Children watch the video Peep and the Big Wide World “Peep Plants a Seed” and discuss steps Peep takes in planting his seed.

Make a Book About Seeds

Have children draw pictures and dictate the steps of planting seeds to make their own information books. Display completed books in the Library Center.

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