Found 58 results. Showing 3 of 3 pages.
Sing Together: “The ABC Song” #2
Sing the song and remind children that the letters are in the same order as the letters in Alphabet Under Construction.
Talk Together: Houses and Buildings
Tell children that they will be learning about different types of houses and buildings by using the “Houses and Buildings” display.
Watch Together: “Fred Says: fix, six” (BLT clip)
Play the video Between the Lions “Fred Says: fix/six.” Emphasize the ending sound in fix and six.
Watch Together: “Play with Words: ‘butterfly’” (BTL clip)
Play the Between The Lions video “Play With Words: ‘butterfly.’” Use the video to introduce the concept of compound words.
Watch Together: “Word Morph: six–sax–fax–fox–box” (BTL clip)
Play the video Between The Lions “Word Morph: six-sax-fax-fox-box.” Clarify any words children do not know.
Watch Together: “Words Beginning with ‘b’” (BTL clip)
Play the video Between the Lions “Words Beginning With ‘b’.” Have children listen for /b/ words.
Watch Together: “Words Beginning with ‘t’” (BTL clip)
Play the video Between The Lions “Words Beginning with ‘t’.” Have children identify the instruments that begin with the letter "t."
Word Play: Action Words
Introduce build as an action word. Have children name the action in illustrations.
Word Play: Alliteration (/b/)
Repeat the sentence “Benny Beaver’s beach ball bounced,” emphasizing the beginning sound of /b/. Challenge children to say the sentence faster and faster.
Word Play: Alliteration (/t/)
Repeat the sentence “Tommy took tools to town.” emphasizing the beginning sound /t/. Challenge children to say the sentence faster and faster.
Word Play: Letter (“Bb”) Bounce
Make the letter “Bb” on the floor with chalk or tape. Have children follow the letter shape and bounce along the letter “Bb.”
Word Play: Matching Game
Have children match cards that have the same word on them.
Word Play: Rhyming Words #5
Display a The Three Little Pigs chart. Point out the rhyme words. Have children generate rhyme words
Word Play: Segment Sentences #3
Use sentences from Building a House to practice counting the number of words in a sentence.
Word Play: Segment Sentences #4
Make sentence strips and count the number of words in the sentence.
Word Play: Segment Sentences #5
Make sentence strips and count the number of words in the sentence.
Word Play: “T” is for Teddy Bears
Recite the poem “Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear” and act out the motions with children. Ask children to identify words that begin with /t/.
Word Play: Tell Me What You Hear (/h/)
Recite a poem and review the words that begin with the letter sound /h/.