Found 19 results.
Greeting Song: “Hickety, Pickety, Bumblebee” #1
Have whisper, stomp, clap, and shout out a child’s name to help them continue to identify other children in the group.
Greeting Song: “Hickety, Pickety, Bumblebee” #2
Sing “Hickety, Pickety, Bumblebee” with children and have each child sing his or her name in a loud voice.
Greeting Song: “Hickety, Pickety, Bumblebee” #3
Sing “Hickety, Pickety, Bumblebee” with children and have each child sing his or her name in a quiet voice.
Greeting Song: “Hickety, Pickety, Bumblebee” #4
Sing “Hickety, Pickety, Bumblebee” with children and have them make loud or quiet sounds with their shakers when they say their name.
Greeting Song: “Hickety, Pickety, Bumblebee” #5
Sing “Hickety, Pickety, Bumblebee” and have each child say his or her name louder or softer than the child before.
Greeting Song: “Welcome, Welcome” #1
Sing “Welcome, Welcome” to children and have them clap out syllables in their name when it is their turn.
Greeting Song: “Welcome, Welcome” #2
Sing “Welcome, Welcome” with children and have them say their names in a loud voice and then a soft voice.
Greeting Song: “Welcome, Welcome” #3
Sing “Welcome, Welcome” with children and have each child respond in a high and low voice.
Greeting Song: “Welcome, Welcome” #4
Sing “Welcome, Welcome” with children. Invite children to choose a different voice to sing the song.
Greeting Song: “Welcome, Welcome” #5
Sing “Welcome, Welcome” with children. Have each child choose a pitch or volume to sing the song.
Greeting Song: “Who Are You?” #1
Sing a song to children and each child respond in a loud voice as you introduce the concept of "loud."
Greeting Song: “Who Are You?” #2
Sing “Who Are You?” to children and have them respond by saying their names in a soft voice.
Greeting Song: “Who Are You?” #3
Sing “Who Are You?” to children and have them say their names in a quiet whisper then in a loud voice.
Greeting Song: “Who Are You?” #4
Sing “Who Are You” with children and have them clap out the syllables in their name.
Greeting Song: “Who Are You?” #5
Have children sing a song and tap out the parts of the word “lis-ten” whenever they hear it in the song.
Sing Together: “Listen, Listen, Little Ears” #2
Sing “Listen, Listen, Little Ears” and have children name something they hear.
Sing Together: “Listen, Listen, Little Ears” #3
Sing “Listen, Listen, Little Ears” with children. Have children sing it in a loud voice, then a second time in a soft voice.
Sing Together: “The Wheels on the Bus” #1
Ask children to share sounds they might hear when riding a bus. Sing and act out the motions to “The Wheels on the Bus.”
Talk Together: Lullabies
Have children close their eyes as you play or sing a soothing lullaby and then talk about how it makes them feel.