Week 2: Building High, Building Strong

Daily Routines

Morning Meeting

Greeting Song: “Good Morning To You” #1

Sing the greeting song and signal a child to say his or her name. Repeat until every child is included.

Talk Together: Building Materials

Open a discussion about building materials and compare their different properties.

Discovery Time

Explore Together (indoors): Using Building Materials

Allow children to freely explore the building materials. Invite them to make different structures they have learned about.  

Let's Read

Talk Together: Different Materials

Review the materials the three pigs used to build their house. Discuss that materials people use to build things depend on where they live in the world.

Read Together: The Three Little Javelinas #1

Read another version of the folktale The Three Little Pigs. Compare this story to other versions.

Let's Write

Draw and Write Together: Comparing Stories

Have children compare similarities and differences about two versions of a story. Chart results.

Letters, Sounds, and Words

Learn About Letters Together: Target Letter (“Tt”) and Word (tool)

Use the Target Letter and Word Routine to introduce children to the letter “Tt” and the word tool.

Learn About Letters Together: Tiptoe on “T”

Have children tiptoe along a large uppercase “T” on the floor.

Family Connection

Family Connection: Unit 6, Week 2, #1

Send a Family Connection letter home with children.

Morning Meeting

Greeting Song: “Good Morning To You” #2

Hold up a name card and have children figure out whose name it is. Repeat the song until every child is included.

Talk Together: Building High

Introduce the idea of building higher. Have children reflect on how they can make their structures higher.

Discovery Time

Explore Together (indoors): Build a Tower

Have children build towers out of blocks. Have them draw a picture to record their tower.

Let's Watch

Watch Together: “Chirp Builds a Nest” #1 (PEEP show)

Play the video PEEP and the Big Wide World “Chirp Builds a Nest.” Focus on how Chirp builds his nest.

Let's Read

Read Together: Tap Tap Bang Bang #1

Have children compare the tools in the book to the tools in Building a House.

Play Together: Match the Tool

Point to a tool in Tap Tap Bang Bang and call out a child’s name. Have that child find the tool that matches the picture and act out using the tool.  

Let's Write

Draw and Write Together: Tool Riddles

Have children work together to make tool riddles. Have them describe a tool and use their description to create a riddle.

Letters, Sounds, and Words

Learn About Letters Together: Letters in Our Names (“Tt”)

Use the Letter in Our Names Routine to help children find the letter “Tt” in their names.

Learn About Letter Sounds Together: Bag of Sounds (/t/)

Children take turns picking up an object, naming it, and saying whether it begins with the /t/ sound and belongs in the /t/ bag or not.

Learn About Letters Together: Terrific “T” Table

Have children color in an uppercase “T” and then find magazine pictures that begin with the /t/ sound to decorate their “T.”

Morning Meeting

Greeting Song: “Good Morning To You” #3

Spell the name of a child and have that child place his or her name on the greeting song chart. Repeat the song until every child is included.

Talk Together: Building Strong

Revisit building strong structures. Discuss children’s building and how they made them stronger.

Discovery Time

Explore Together (indoors): Build a Cup Tower

Children continue to build towers using different materials. Test each tower’s stability.

Let's Watch

Watch Together: “Huff and Puff” #3 (BTL show)

Play the video Between The Lions “Huff and Puff.” Ask children to think about why the last pig’s house was so strong.

Let's Read

Read Together: The Three Little Javelinas #2

Reread The Three Little Javelinas by Susan Lowell. Help children make connections between the pigs’ houses and structures they have built.

Let's Write

Draw and Write Together: Retell The Three Little Javelinas

Have children use puppets to retell the story.

Recite Together: “Three Javelinas”

Recite the chant with finger motions that represent the three javelinas.  

Letters, Sounds, and Words

Learn About Letters Together: Guess My Word (/t/)

Create riddles with words that start with the /t/ sound and relate to the week’s theme (tool words, construction words).

Word Play: Alliteration (/t/)

Repeat the sentence “Tommy took tools to town.” emphasizing the beginning sound /t/. Challenge children to say the sentence faster and faster.

Family Connection

Family Connection: Unit 6, Week 2, #2

Have children practice shaping the letter "T" with their family members.

Morning Meeting

Greeting Song: “Who Are You?” #6

Sing the greeting song. Point a measuring tape at a child and instruct him or her to say his or her name. Repeat until every child is included.

Talk Together: More Building Materials

Have children share a structure they built. Have them describe the materials used.

Discovery Time

Explore Together (indoors): Building More Towers

Have children continue to explore using different materials to build towers.

Let's Watch

Watch Together: “Chirp Builds a Nest” #2 (PEEP show)

Play the video PEEP and the Big Wide World “Chirp Builds a Nest” and ask children to identify problems Chirp is having while building his nest.

Let's Read

Read Together: Tap Tap Bang Bang #2

Read the story again and focus on the tools and the sequence they have in building the kart.

Recite Together: “Ten Little Nails”

Recite the chant and have children act out the movements with you to the counting rhyme.

Letters, Sounds, and Words

Learn About Letter Sounds Together: Ending Sounds (/t/)

Play the listening game to help children recognize the /t/ sound at the end of words.

Word Play: Segment Sentences #4

Make sentence strips and count the number of words in the sentence.

Sing Together: “Here We Go Round the Alphabet”

Write the uppercase alphabet letters on the ground in a circle going clockwise. Sing the song and have children walk around the circle.

Morning Meeting

Greeting Song: “Who Are You?” #7

Say a child’s name and emphasize the ending letter sound. Sing the greeting song with that name. Repeat until every child is included.

Talk Together: Building Higher, Building Stronger

Discuss the photos you took of children building towers. Have children work together to strategize new ways to make their structures stronger and higher.

Discovery Time

Explore Together (indoors): Free Building

Have children continue building towers. Encourage them to explore using the materials in new ways.

Let's Read

Read Together: Educator’s Choice, Unit 6, Week 2

Read aloud The Three Little Javelinas, another version of The Three Little Pigs, or a new book about building.  

Let's Write

Draw and Write Together: Building Riddles

Invite children to create riddles that describe materials and tools.

Letters, Sounds, and Words

Learn About Letters Together: Letter ("Tt") and Word (tool) Hunt

Reinforce recognition of the letter “Tt” and the word tool by having children hunt for them in the room.

Watch Together: “Words Beginning with ‘t’” (BTL clip)

Play the video Between The Lions “Words Beginning with ‘t’.” Have children identify the instruments that begin with the letter "t."

Word Play: “T” is for Teddy Bears

Recite the poem “Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear” and act out the motions with children. Ask children to identify words that begin with /t/.


Review the Week Together: Unit 6, Week 2

Revisit the charts, objects, and pictures from the week.  Review towers and building strong structures, “Tt,” /t/, and tool.

Family Connection

Family Connection: Unit 6, Week 2, #3

Send structures and photos home with children to share with family members.

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