Week 1: Family and Friends

Learning Centers

Observe and Explore Letters

Have children explore alphabet letters in book titles, name cards, and other materials.

Family Pictures

Have children draw a picture of their family or a family they are close to and identify the people in the picture.

Our Hands

Have children stamp hand prints to create a group piece of art.

Build a Family House

Have children build their own house after looking at pictures of different houses.

Independent and Partner Reading, Unit 1, Week 1

Introduce children to books about different families and friends while also showing them how to care for books.

One-on-One Reading: Owl Babies #2

Use illustrations and facial expressions to help children make connections to how the baby owls are feeling in the story.

New Friends

Have children decorate a cardboard box and fill it with things they like to do and things their friends might like to do.

Play Family

Children set up a house play area and act out being different members of a family.  

Matching Game

Have children match pictures of baby animals to the animals’ mothers.

Same or Different?

Have children compare stuffed animals and describe what is the same and different about them.


Have children find pictures and create families.

"But, Mama, But . . ." #2 (BTL Show)

As children watch a Between the Lions video, have them describe Leona Lion's feelings.

To a Family Member

Help children write to a family member or caretaker about something they like about school.

"Our Owl Babies"

Children use illustrations to talk about parts of a story and draw a picture of their favorite part of the story.

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