Week 2: Building Waterways

Learning Centers

Fish for Letters (river)

Name the letters in the word river. Have children fish for the letters and arrange them to spell river.

Letter Search (“Dd,” “Rr”)

Label pictures of things relating to water. Have children search for the letters “Dd” and “Rr” on the labels.

River Mural

Have children make a group mural with a variety of art media about the bears’ ride on the river.

String Pictures

Have children make string paintings that show the movement of water.

Build a Boat

Invite children to create a boat from blocks. Encourage them to make different types of boats they have been reading about.

Independent and Partner Reading, Unit 9, Week 2

Encourage children to select books that interest them and to look at the words and pictures on their own or with other children.

One-on-One Reading: Toy Boat

Read aloud Toy Boat to individuals or small groups. Have children close their eyes and visualize what is happening in the story.

Role Play “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”

Provide props for children to recreate scenes from the book Row, Row, Row Your Boat.

How Much Water?

Have children count how many little cups it takes to fill a bigger cup of water.

Water Tools

Leave the water table set up with the water tools throughout the week so children can continue their explorations with the tools.

“Which Fish?” (PEEP game)

Invite children to play the PEEP and the Big Wide World interactive game, “Which Fish?” Help children extend the patterns of fish.

My River Story

Help children draw, dictate, or write their own books about a river.

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